Of course from Quigley's position you can see the teeth in the bear's open mouth, so perhaps this accounted for his alarm.
Today I worked my way through the end of chapter 5. It was difficult, but I think it's close to being "right". Then I looked through chapter 6 and it's here where things are going to get really difficult. For one thing, I don't think there's much of anything in chapter 6 that amounts to anything. So I'm going to have to do some cutting and shifting and figuring. What I hope to do is move some elements forward from where they are currently in the story. Or if not that, I could develop my pov character and her friend a bit more than I have. I'll have to see where the Lord leads.
Oh, and in yesterday's post I tried to show how Pastor Rory Clark had personalized one of his concepts using these little arrows or whatever they are: <
What it should have said (and I've fixed it on the blog itself) is:
God considers [insert your problem here] to be His responsibility.
Just wanted to clarify that because the line has been one I've really enjoyed these last few days. And one I've used all the time.