Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Progress Report

Well, I haven't reported on my progress in awhile, so I guess I should. August is nearly over and during this month I have worked through chapters 2, 3, 5, 7 and I'm now on 9. I hope to finish it before the month is over.

Feedback from my editor and readers was that this plot thread (Abramm's) was slow, and that I needed to trim it up a bit. Actually, the plot thread was nonexistant and needed a lot more work than trimming. This is one of those cases where I thought the book was going in one direction when I wrote those chapters, but now that I see where it's actually gone, they no longer work.

So I've been first drafting again. Sort of. There are the familiar days of blankness alternating with days of too many options. Then something starts to break, a new scene takes shape, an old scene insinuates itself into the new, in a different order with a different emphasis... I'm working my way through each portion to figure out what the central thrust is and slowly but surely it's coming together. I think it's working, but of course right now it's impossible to tell.

Looks like I'll not be finishing by the end of September after all, but probably will need all of October as well. Oh, gee, I am really surprised! Blogging may get spotty in the days to come as I become more and more turnip-headed.

I am vigorously claiming Isaiah 50:7 "For the Lord GOD helps me, therefore I am not disgraced; Therefore I have set my face like flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed."

The cheery sunflower photo, by the way, I got off of Ed Willett's flickr album and I really hope he doesn't mind that I have used it here because looking at it makes me happy... :-)
